Some people plan their wedding for two years. Bride’s checklists advise finding a dress 10-12 months in advance. But somehow the PR judges/producers/audience are shocked, SHOCKED, when they get poorly constructed boring and referential wedding designs in one day. So shocking!
Anyway if I were asked to design an atypical wedding dress I’d look to my favorites from film:

Okay, Sarah didn’t marry the Goblin King but…yes she did.
But when our designers were asked to make atypical wedding dresses + reception dresses in teams of two because how is that at all fair to the person paired with the person with immunity? but I guess that didn’t apply here so whatevs anyway when asked THAT they made this:

Ugh at these two and their dramarama. The only good thing that came out of it was Fade getting screentime, but I would rather just have more footage of all the designers designing than whiny whiners whining and proclamations of “I don’t care that we are a team I refuse to teamwork”. In the photo above they look like sisters, and they are dressed alike, and also like their designs so I am pretty confident it was on purpose and I am getting the impression the whole feud was manufactured and UGH.

She was right about the fabric saving this as its shine is the only thing notable here. It does look like something someone would get married in though.

This is fine. Cute, even. Very Amanda. Yawn.

Not great but I liked them best.

I don’t think this was as “fake goth” as Dita Von Teese seemed to. The veil was over the top but it was also the only bridal-esque thing in the look. It does look like something I could buy at Hot Topic so I do get Dita’s critique but I feel like it has a lot more potential than was realized.

First of all, LOL at Heidi’s “couldn’t it be more sexy?” critique. Because everyone, especially everyone who wears a gothic lolita gown at the ceremony, wants a So Sexy reception dress. And how is this not sexy enough anyway??
Fade is in my top 3 at the moment but he is consistently under the radar for the judges. Given that he built the design his was the most interesting of the all the looks on the runway. To be fair there is absolutely nothing bridal about it.

Let’s just throw the entire bridal notions wall onto two dresses and call it a day.

As with Emily above, I want to like this more than I do. It’s not very original on the runway but it would stand out at a David’s Bridal while still looking passably like a wedding dress. So. Not great, but nothing to send someone home for.

Samantha is just SO BORING and I’m sad that the not boring designers went home before her. What is her final collection even going to BE?
This is fine. I just don’t care.

Disaster. And they knew it.

I like that Sandhya has a very strong and very different point of view. Her collection is going to be exciting even if it is also a train wreck, you know? Like this dress. It is interesting. There is something there. It could have been good if it wasn’t SO BAD. But it IS SO BAD. The model is so desperately keeping her emotions in check it’s hilarious.

Poor Char. I never thought she’d make it to finals but she was within spitting distance of showing at Fashion Week. I cannot argue that this was not the worst dress on the runway because goodness it is awful (this model is trying so hard to make it work tho, look at her, rock on). But I’m sad that Char loses that decoy collection spot to Samantha because zzzzzzzzzz.

Okay I’m not saying they shouldn’t have won because the whole lot of them were pretty bleh, and this probably answered the (ill-defined) challenge the best. BUT look above. Can you really tell me that isn’t much ado about nothing?

I am officially over Kini. We get it, he’s a highly skilled super quick tailor. I’m not getting “designer” out of what he presents. This looks like a facsimile of something original. Like even if it actually IS original it doesn’t READ that way?

And then there was his whining about Sean getting the win for his work because Kini made the shirt. The judges picked Sean’s design to won, not Kini’s tailoring. I rant about it every season: very few real world designers do all their own sewing. Per the judges Sean’s look made the boldest statement on the runway. Is it fair? No. Is it EVER fair? No! So, no, I am not playing along with the Poor Kini never wins game and the more Kini plays it the less I like him.
We’re approaching the halfway mark and the finale + decoy runway show at NYFW. I wish I was more excited.