Good news! I have learned all the contestants’ names and styles. Even Samantha (yaaaaawwwwwwnnnnn). I enjoy “take one thing and make it another” challenges but the Sandhya factor was the most interesting twist. Her choices were definitely calculated but calculated to help or hinder, I really don’t know.

I think I like what Char does, but it is not my style. I also think the bow on the skirt is too much for the rest of this look.

Emily’s style, otoh, is very “me”. Punk chic. This isn’t “high fashion” but Avril Lavigne would rock it, and so would I. Also the model is wearing the only Aldo-wall shoes I can stomach (the ones Kristine got in trouble for choosing last week).

I don’t know. I like it? I don’t love it. I hate those shoes but that’s not his fault. I’m waiting for Fade to really wow me. I liked his Vader dress but I barely remember anything else he’s made.

This is so boring. Though paired with a skinny jean the top would probably pop more. It’s vaguely interesting. Or vaguely Star Trek.

Judy Jetson. That’s what I thought when he first started construction and that’s what I thought when it walked the runway and that’s what I think now. Judy Jetson. I wish the model had a side ponytail.

Yawn, yawn, yawn, yawn. Maybe the details look better in person? They barely register here or on screen. I’m falling asleep.

Sandhya’s people need to call Miley Cyrus because Miley Cyrus wants to wear this. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing but it is a reality.

Why does Zac Posen hate Kristine so much? I think this is cool. The pants weren’t executed the way she imagined because they had 1 day and limited fabric but the ideas are there. And they are not Zac’s or Nina’s or Heidi’s ideas so I guess that’s it. I am worried for Kristine (who I like) next week because designing something for Heidi does not seem in her wheelhouse.

Okay, the top is a mess and in this pic it looks like the skirt needs a lining BUT I really like this skirt. My daughter Aeris called it a sunset which, right? I love distressed looks and I think it was a neat way to use the suit fabric. It’s not a winner but it definitely should not have gone home so thank goodness for the mess below.

Ahahahahahahahahahaha, no. Hernan! What was he thinking? There is seriously nothing redeeming in this. As Nina pointed out, it’s heroine chic (she called it “Vagina Superhero”) but not in anything resembling a good way. It’s hideous. And Hernan knew it. He spent the episode whining about the suit he got instead of trying to make it work and it DID NOT WORK. I feel badly for the model. Bye bye Hernan.

Alexander is clearly the young talent the judges/showrunners want to nurture and produce. He’s sweet and unformed. I like this look. His “redemption story” seemed a little silly but he IS sweet and cute and it’s clear his model likes him so hey.

I like this, too. I don’t think either are a wow but idk, none of these are a wow. This is neat in that it still looks like a suit but also looks nothing like a suit. Of the top 3 I’d probably pick it. Of the whole group, I’d probably pick Fade.

I don’t even know. I think I like the dress without the fringe but without the fringe it is just a cute dress. But does the fringe really transform it into high fashion or just a cute dress with random fringe? I don’t GET it basically. I don’t think the judges get it it either, which I think is why it won. They are choosing to crown the look that is the most WTF without being also offensive.