Captain Jean-Luc Picard appears in seven seasons of Star Trek: the Next Generation and four motion pictures. He will be appearing in the new series, Star Trek: Picard in 2020.
For this fashion project I’ve broken the costumes into four sections for analysis: uniforms, incognito, fantasy, and casual wear. Simulations and Alternate Versions of Picard are included. I hope you enjoy!
- Naked
- Medical Gown
- Simulated Uniforms
- Dress Uniform
- Starfleet Uniform Part One (Series)
- Starfleet Uniform Part Two (Film)
- Alternate Captain’s Uniform
- Space Suit – Coming Soon!
Casual Wear
| Commission a Character Fashion Project!The Jean-Luc Fashion Project was first posted to tumblr in 2017. The posts have been shuffled and slightly edited for this repost. The JLFP will continue with the upcoming new series.