We never see the full look on screen but I imagine it’s a knee length skirt and matchy tights.

It’s a lot of fabric for a simple silhouette, but that reminds me of Lwaxana, and what Deanna wears on Betazed, so what I take to be a Betazoid (or at least the Betazoid side of Deanna) fashion. At the same time it’s like she’s covering up as much as possible for this seemingly untraditional-by-Betazoid-standards wedding (until Lwaxana reveals she got her groove back). I mean, when does Deanna ever wear such a high neckline? Anyway, what I’m saying is, for this dress’s ever so brief screentime it seems to say a lot and at least in my imagination it’s a star.

Deanna loves shiny fabrics in pinks and purples and apparently everyone in the future wears matchy tights (I want to live in their future for lots of reasons but matchy tights is a real one).

This is one of Deanna’s looks I really wish I owned.

Deanna wears this for her impromptu engagement party – Haven is one of those first season episodes that reads like an original series episode, soulful space commune and everything. It’s also the first appearance of Deanna’s amazing mother and an introduction to Betazoid culture. All of the fashion is spectacular and everyone should go watch it just for that, seriously.
This jumpsuit is the same cut as the grey one she wears as her on duty uniform throughout the first season but the pattern and texture of the fabric elevates it to premiere space princess fashion.

It’s shiny Barbie pink and purple with a bedazzled belt that matches the ruby teardrops in her high pony. And also both Will’s uniform and Wyatt’s turtleneck sweater.

And the holodeck seems to have been programmed to match all three.

It does not get much better than this.

It’s so pretty! We’ve got Deanna’s colors – pink, purple, blue – all soft and mushing together. Matchy tights and shoes that extend and complete the ombre effect (and make her look taller/give her more presence).

It’s off-shoulder, asymmetric, form fitting (not too tight or too loose), simple but not simplistic. Basically it’s all of Deanna’s hallmarks in one (so pretty!) dress.

AND her styling is perfect. Her hair especially looks amazing.