Nyota Fashion Project | Starfleet Uniform (TOS)

Lieutenant Uhura’s original series minidress uniform is ICONIC. Is it ridiculous as a uniform? Yes, of course. Should scientific uniforms be gendered in the 24th (or 21st) century? No, of course not. Is Nyota’s uniform fashionable to the nth degree and worthy of celebration? Of a certainty. It is also political. In addition to the …

Nyota Fashion Project | Techie Smock and Medical Gown

I love this scene! Uhura not only knows how to “rig up a sensor bypass circuit”, she respectfully stands up for herself and her work in response to Spock’s anxious impatience about it getting done. And he not only understands, he compliments her. Unfortunately, we never fully see exactly what this smock is. She wears …

The Problem of T’Pol

Good costuming supports the character and the story. I’d be negligent in my analysis if I didn’t address the costume-and-characterization baggage T’Pol carries around. It’s quite possible T’Pol would be costumed differently without Enterprise’s behind-the-scenes issues related to brand overexposure, critical reaction, and low ratings. There is a distinct shift in her main fashion choices …

Kes Fashion Project | Persephone

These are the best example of Kes’s pixie-fashion. While the looks are arguably discrete, the silhouettes, color palettes, texture, and lines are the same. The lighter one appears in only three episodes (“Caretaker”, “Parallax”, and “Before and After”), and they could all be considered one appearance – Parallax is a continuation of the pilot and …