Disney Diary: The Reservation
My Disney Diary August 2022, part one: the reservation.
My Disney Diary August 2022, part one: the reservation.
In 2021, after I appeared on 3 different podcasts to discuss trauma, I joked it was “my brand”.
Snow White is one of the most recognizable fairy tale figures in the world. Pixie breaks down her iconic look using color, silhouette, and symbolism.
Lokis, Lokis, everywhere!
The story drops Padmé into the role of damsel in distress and the backless evening gown reflects various Disney princesses.
Padmé’s funeral gown is described as the water gown, and is a truly stunning culmination of her character.
The white battle suit Padmé wears for the final act of Attack of the Clones is one of her most iconic looks.
Padmé is the first spark in the war, the flame that burns bright and burns out but whose legacy lives on.
Subtitle: therapy is a better than world domination
Subtitle: representation matters and this is bad