Deep Space Nine 4.6: Rejoined
Subtitle: love is love with a bunch of asterisks (Happy Pride!)
Subtitle: love is love with a bunch of asterisks (Happy Pride!)
Subtitle: the Doctor tries to jump fandoms
The Amanda Grayson Fashion Project concludes with an Amanda Addendum including analysis of hairstyles, acting choices, and references.
The Amanda Grayson Fashion Project continues into the modern era with an analysis of Amanda’s costuming in the first two seasons of Star Trek:Discovery.
The Amanda Grayson Fashion Project continues with the film era, featuring The Voyage Home, The Final Frontier, and Star Trek (2009).
The Amanda Grayson Fashion Project begins with the original series era, featuring “Journey to Babel” and the animated “Yesteryear”.
PadMay is an annual event in celebration of our beloved former queen and senator of Naboo, Padmé Naberrie Amidala.
Leader Chancellor L’Rell
Storyteller Zelda Fitzgerald
Explorer Amelia Earhart